Charity Fundraising & Online Donations

Why Charities Love Pic Sponsors™

Do you coordinate the fundraising for a charity, or charitable event? Does your non-profit organisation undertake fundraising? Use Pic Sponsors™ to create multiple campaigns, coordinate individual fundraisers, host information web pages, and collect donations online.

Pic Sponsors™ is helping charities take the pain out of two of the most challenging areas of fundraising:

  1. Promoting your charity, cause and fundraising campaign
  2. Collecting donation payments from donors without incurring excessive fees

Campaign Promotion

Pic Sponsors™ uses social media integration and search engine optimisation to make promoting your campaign easy. See our FAQ for ideas on promoting your fundraiser. Most of all, the Pic Sponsors™ innovative picture device for receiving donations means your supporters are incited to donate and keen to share the picture with others in their own network, which grows your network of supporters. Read more about the Pic Sponsors™ difference.

Online Donation Payments

The ease of making donations online is attractive to donors, and charities want to use the web and social media to increase their reach. However, online donation collections are often cost-prohibitive considering the investment required in web development, security concerns, and negotiating merchant fees.

The founders of Pic Sponsors™ have long histories in fundraising and volunteer community projects. Beyond the picture campaign innovation, they built a platform that allowed for low commission fees and no upfront costs.

See how Pic Sponsors™ can help you shift your fundraising into top gear - register for a campaign today!