How Much Does It Cost?

Pic Sponsors™ have innovated to bring you fee-free fundraising with a very low payment commission:

  • No up-front fees
  • No hosting fees
  • No membership fees
  • No minimum contract period
  • No service fees (minimum commission amount applies)
  • One very low payment commission rate of 5.0% on receipts plus 25c per transaction

Our commission needs to total $25.00 or more in each calendar month, so you have a goal of raising $500 each month. You can do it!


A Fundraiser who raises $500 in a calendar month has 5.0% deducted from their receipts before remittance, being $25.00. This is equal to the minimum commission amount, so no further amount is deducted.

A Fundraiser who raises $300 in a calendar month has 5.0% deducted from their receipts before remittance, being $15, plus $10​ to make up the minimum commission amount, leaving a total remittance of $275.

Register today, it's free!